• 17 Street 216, Maadi, Cairo
  • +20 (2) 25211002
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SETTEC help the organizations and investors to design workplaces, products and systems so that they fit the people who use them. SETTEC apply the design of anything that involves people – workspaces, sports and leisure, health and safety.  SETTEC help you to learn about your employee abilities and limitations, and then apply this learning to improve their interaction with products, systems and environments. In Addition SETTEC pay great interest to change the worker culture and behaviours in order to minimise risk of injury or harm.
SETTEC design, Ergonomists use the data and techniques of several disciplines:

  • Anthropometry: body sizes, shapes; populations and variations
  • Biomechanics: muscles, levers, forces, strength
  • Environmental physics: noise, light, heat, cold, radiation, vibration body systems: hearing, vision, sensations
  • Applied psychology: skill, learning, errors, differences
  • Social psychology: groups, communication, learning, behaviours.


  • Registration Form En