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Business Communication

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Have you ever wondered why it seems so difficult to talk with some people and so easy to talk with others? Can you recall an occasion where you met someone for the first time and immediately liked that person? Something about the individual made you feel comfortable. 
A major goal of this 3 day workshop is to help you understand the impact your communication skills have on other people. You will also explore how improving these skills can make it easier for you to get along in the workplace, and in life.
What Topics are Covered?
•    Creating positive relationships
•    Growing our self-awareness
•    Communication basics and barriers
•    Asking questions and listening skills
•    Body language
•    Communication styles
•    Creating a positive self-image
•    Frame of reference
•    Techniques for the workplace
•    Assertiveness
Day One:
Module 1 (Self Awareness and Self-Management)
•    Introduction to business communication
•    The Communication Cycle
•    Secrets of top communicators
•    Managing your emotional State and why is it important
•    How do we form Perception
•    Bringing Out the best in others
Module 2 (Communication Fundamentals)
•    Different Personality Types and how to communicate with each type
•    The NLP Representational Systems
•    Empathy and exceptional listening skills
•    Perceptual Positions for mental flexibility
•    Using Self-Discovery and Communication to Build Trust
Day Two:
Module 3 (Mastering the Art of Asking Questions)
•    Types of Questions and how to use them
•    The NLP Meta-Model  of Precision Questioning
•    Value Based Communication
•    Different Thinking Styles and how to communicate with each styles
Module 4 (Assertiveness)
•    Healthy and unhealthy communication styles
•    Communicating without criticizing or offending
•    The “Agreement Frame”
•    Handling differences of opinions
•    Powerful story telling
•    Giving Constructive feedback
Day Three:
Module 5 (Non-verbal Communication)
•    Basics of Body Language 
•    How to read and interpret body language
•    Using Body Language to create good impressions
•    Building Trust and Rapport
Module 6 (Managing Relationships and Networking))
•    Introduction to relationship Management
•    Creating a lasting impression and getting others to remember you
•    Finding Your Allies
•    Building Strong and Supportive Relationships at Work
•    Barriers to healthy relationships
•    Managing and expanding your network of contacts
•    Powerful negotiations tactics and what to do when things go wrong
•    Principles of powerful negotiation and influencing
What Will Participants Learn?
•    Identify common communication problems that may be holding you back
•    Develop skills to ask questions that give you information you need
•    Learn what your non-verbal messages are telling others
•    Develop skills in listening actively and empathetically to others
•    Enhance your ability to handle difficult situations
•    Deal with situations assertively
Models Covered:
•    4 Pillars of Business Communication
•    The NLP Communication Model
•    Managing Emotions in self and others
•    The Communication Cycle
•    The Johari Window
•    The NLP Representational Systems Model
•    Benziger’s Personality Types
•    Empathetic listening using perceptual positions
•    NLP Meta-Model of Questioning
•    The NLP Values model
•    NLP Metaprograms Model
•    Assertiveness model
•    The “Agreement” Frame
•    4matting Great Stories Model
•    Hierarchy of Ideas Model
•    Mehrabian's Communication Model
•    NLP Model for Creating Rapport
•    The Walk of Grace Model
•    Eldred's Power Strategies
•    BIFF Model for giving constructive feedback
•    Lewicki and Hiam's Negotiation Matrix
•    The Persuasion Tools Model
•    BATNA model
•    Cialdini’s Principles of persuasion
•    The materials for the trainees will be in English.
•    The language of instruction will be in Arabic / English.


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